(Deutsch) Mitten in der Pampa – ein Paradies
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch and 繁中. Continue reading (Deutsch) Mitten in der Pampa – ein Paradies
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch and 繁中. Continue reading (Deutsch) Mitten in der Pampa – ein Paradies
Today Yating want to visit the Museum of Chamamé for local music here at Mburucuyá. As the museum is located at the farthest outside region of the small town, we walked there about 1 km. Luckily we arrived at the museum at 12:01 to find out Continue reading “Visiting the local music museum toilet”
Before going to our adventure, we had a nice stay in Marcel’s hometown and enjoyed a lovely family time — breakfirst together, good meals from mom, going to the theater or chetting around table after dinner. Sometimes Marcel and I also showed out our cooking skill. I mean, we could just be relax and would be well treated. Because in this house we are being … Continue reading Home Holiday
(Deutsch) Am Wochenende hatten wir Besuch von einem kleinen Asiaten, YaTings Cousin. Na und was gibt es besseres zur Betreuung der Kleinen als einen ordentlichen Spielplatz? Nix! Continue reading (Deutsch) Abenteuerspielplatz für Groß und Klein
We gonna try to hold on blogging. Continue reading Why