Where fox and armadillos saying good night to each other*
We even didn’t know how to pronounce the name of this location. With Yating’s very basic spanish level, it’s just enough to survive, as we met english speaker rarely. And in our Lonely Planet is written nothing about it, not a single line. So why we are here? Again the same. We want to visit the wildlife of the wetland, but tried to skip the most famous location. After a whole day bus transfer and bus waiting, we finally arrived the same name village nearly at midnight. Shops were closing. No room-reservation. Thankfully a youngman leaded us door to door and found an accommodation.
The park belongs to the eco-region of Iberá wetland. A normal camping day here is like this:
Afternoons we do like the locals, nothing, only lay in our transparent tent or watch how an armadillos digging a hole.
At 15:30 we start to prepare dinner and chat with other campers. The foxes always come to ask if we have something for them.When the dinner is no longer hot, about 18 o’clock, we can eat until sunset. Later maybe walk to another lake, or take a cold shower while frogs watch at us. And then prepare to sleep. Oh not really fall in sleep immediately, look through the tent, several light spots are flying around us. They are fireflies.
(For Yating, the last paragraph needs to add on “got mosquitos bits” as every second sentence. And for Marcel every third sentance.)
The last day we woke up at 4:15 for the sunrise on riverside.
*The title is originally a german idiom: wo Fuchs und Hase sich gute Nacht sagen. The original characters are fox and rabbit. It means in the middle of nowhere.
Eine Reise ist wie eine Ehe: Die sicherste Art zu scheitern ist zu glauben, man habe sie fest im Griff. –
John Steinbeck, Reise mit Charley
Jörg, grüß dich 🙂
Huhu Ihr – hier in Nürnberg wird es kaum mehr hell im Moment – Düsternis pur,
der Christkindelsmarkt boomt, die Menschen sind in Weihnachtsstimmung –
aber leider kein Schnee;-).
Liebe Adventsgrüße auch an Marcel!
Grüße nach Argentinien,